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"New Normal" Procedures in Indonesia for Expatriate Stay Permits and Emergency Work Permits

Indonesia’s Directorate General of Immigration has revised its rules on stay permits and emergency work permits for foreigners by issuing Circular Letter No. IMI-GR.01.01-1102 of 2020 on Immigration Services for Stay Permits in the New Normal (Letter 01), with immediate effect.


Holders of Permanent and Limited Stay Permits (Izin Tinggal Tetap/ITAP and Izin Tinggal Terbatas/ITAS)

Foreigners whose ITAP or ITAS expired while they were overseas but who already have approval for its extension may now re-enter Indonesia to complete the ITAP/ITAS extension process. They have 60 days to do so, commencing 13 July 2020.

Foreigners with a valid ITAP or ITAS and currently located in Indonesia can now apply for an extension in the usual way – ie by submitting an application to the local immigration office, paying the permit extension fees, and attending an interview with the immigration official.

Foreigners granted an Emergency Stay Permit (Izin Tinggal Kunjungan Keadaan Terpaksa/ITKT) and currently in Indonesia

Foreigners who previously held a visit visa, ITAS or ITAP, and who were granted an ITKT because of the Covid-19 pandemic, must apply for an extension within 30 days after 13 July (ie by 11 August 2020).

Anyone who is unable to obtain approval for the extension must leave Indonesia by 11 August 2020. Failure to depart will lead to administrative sanctions such as detention or deportation.

Foreigners currently applying for work permits 

Letter 01 confirms that foreigners who already have a telex visa and are currently residing in Indonesia can now apply for an ITAS at the local immigration office without having to leave Indonesia. 

It is not yet clear whether the manpower office is now accepting new work permit applications. 

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Please reach out to your usual contact to clarify how these changes may affect your expatriate workers. 

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